Use your full Gmail address as the username and the following server addresses. Then set up the IMAP account in your email client of choice. If you use POP, you have a harder row to hoe. And that was fine because you used only one computing device, so where else would your email messages be? Nowadays, that approach seems quaint. Your email client would connect to your email server, download all your messages onto the computer, and then delete them from the server. Gmail IMAP Subfolders not syncing with Mac Mail – SOLVED This will configure Mail to save new outgoing emails to the sent folder for your account.Once upon a time, most people used a single computer for email.

Q: Emails sent in Mail do not appear in my Sent Folder, why? Follow these simple steps to configure this. Otherwise, you can opt to continue or ignore the warning, although you may continue to receive this message in the future. What does this mean? A: This occurs because you are set to use a secure SSL connection, which is a very good thing. Q: Mail states it can't "Verify Certificate". If this fails to resolve the issue, then you will need to reset the password for your email address within the mt AccountCenter, and provide Mail the new password. Most often, verifying your settings will resolve this issue. Q: Mail will repeatedly ask for my password, how do I stop it? A: There are several issues that may cause this problem to arise. Q: What's the best way to assure my emails in Mail are backed up? A: Mac OS X comes with a feature called Time Machine which will maintain backups of your entire machine including emails in Mail when configured properly. Please take a moment to review the Statement of Support. Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting third-party applications is outside the scope of support provided by mt Media Temple.
Not sure which OS X version you're running? This article is provided as a courtesy. This is for the latest version of Apple Mail, version 5. This guide provides information on the most common issues for Apple Mail.